Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 Weeks Old & Toys!

Alex is 10 weeks old, and he's going through a musical phase (he's definitely OUR child). After introducing his Baby Einstein gym sometime last week, I noticed how much he loved the musical star. He would stare at it for minutes at a time. I had never seen him so focused before. He used to be entertained with objects for no more than 1-2 minutes. Now, he will stare at that star for at least 5 minutes while I prepare a bottle. Hoorah!

Then, I also remembered him listening to Mark play guitar a couple of weeks ago, so I went on a toy hunt. I received an email from WhatToExpect.com about age appropriate toys. So, after lots of fun shopping online, I bookmarked some toys. Some were from when I was a child -- such as the barnyard animal friends at Mimi's house. So, I ventured to BRU looking for musical toys and bought him "Mr. Ribbit", which is a frog for his car seat, and I also bought him "Big Al", which is actually a tiny alligator. He also got Mallory the Monkey, but she is very big, so we will wait awhile before introducing her.

Now that Alex is becoming interested in toys, I am becoming obsessed with Craigslist! Last week, I found a gently used blue Bumbo seat for $15 (retails for $40) to teach him how to sit-up. And just 2 days ago, I found an ABCD Exersaucer for $40 (retails for $100).

Other exciting developments from the past week: He has been in Size 1 diapers for awhile now, and he is about to graduate to Size 2. (Oh my gosh...he's growing too fast). I went through my clothes last week to prepare for going back to work. So, after I finished my closet, I did some rearranging of Alex's clothes. What a journey down memory lane! His little premie & newborn clothes are now retired (how sad...), and he is officially wearing anywhere from 0-3 months or 3-6 months clothes depending on the brand.

Also part of my BRU trip was preparing for our first long car trip to Indiana! Alex will get to meet Mimi, Barb & the girls this coming weekend. We had to get some nursery water for his formula, diapers (of course), on-the-go bottle warmers, & a bottle cooler. What is usually a 6 1/2 hour drive will definitely be much longer. I am crossing my fingers that we make it there in 9.

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