Saturday, June 27, 2009

Eyelashes and Immunizations

I am now the mom of a 2-month old baby boy, and wow has he changed so much since the day he was born! And it's only been 2 short months!

His little cheeks have filled out, his eyebrows are starting to grow in, his eyelashes are long & beautiful just like his Daddy's, and he definitely has my eyes! Sometimes, I can see different members of our families when I look into his eyes. So far, I've seen me, Mark, Diane, Grandpa Greg, and Mimi. His hair also lightens up A LOT after getting a bath, although it returns to the darker color a few days later. And now, he actually enjoys his baths! In month one, he used to cry A LOT when we put him in the water. During the hardest part of our new baby experience so far around the 5-6 week mark when he had extreme crying/tummy issues for 2 straight weeks, we decided to try a bath to soothe him, and *poof* he calmed down. He has loved his baths ever since. We sing the 'Takin' a Bath' made-up tune all the time now, and he listens intently.

Speaking of made-up tunes, I sing many songs that don't make any sense at all. Never thought I'd be the type of Mommy who 'baby talks', but it comes so natural that I do it all day long! I even find Mark singing MY stupid songs to him. We have the following songs (all with different tunes of course): Takin' a Bath, Kiss your Paci, Good Baby, That's my Pumpkin Pie, That's OK, What's the Matter, Your Little Bottle, Baby Boy, and I'm sure there's more... (what a dork, i am). It reminds me of that 2 & 1/2 Men episode about Charlie Waffles. One of my favorite episodes, I might add. Although, I'd never in a million years sing those songs to Alex. :) LOL

Also, he can hold his head up for the most part. I find myself supporting his head less and less each day. In fact, just this week on one of Daddy & my many walks in the stroller, he cried briefly. As we turned around & headed for home, I took him out of his stroller & held him over my shoulder while he looked at the world all around us. He was fascinated!!!

The best part is: He is starting to sleep in longer intervals. In fact, he slept nearly 5 hours straight last night. Perhaps Mark and I will actually get to sleep at the same time again. Now, our schedule is designed that we sleep in shifts. When Mark comes to bed, I get up or vice versa. I miss it!

We are still waiting for any laughter, smiles, and coos in his awake time. He does all of this in his sleep though. I keep reading growth & development articles that say it should happen any day now.

Our 2-month old Well Baby visit was this past Friday: He weighs 11 lbs and 14 oz., and is 23 inches long. I am floored. Almost double his birth weight. We must be doing something right. Dr. said he is in the 50th percentile for his age. He put up with the physical aspect of his examination - she poked and proded on him, and he didn't even cry. She's a bit concerned about his head & ear development, so we have to turn his head often (to his left/our right) while he is sleeping going forward.

And finally, on to his immunizations. OK first, I must say that I am finding myself more and more curious about all things "natural, 'green', no pain meds for headaches, want to start recycling, using better lightbulbs, etc." and the like. I am even planning to make Alex's first solid baby foods myself. I really struggled with whether we should even be giving him immunizations. Just the idea of injecting a virus in his little system with the notion that his immune system would develop antibodies against future viruses disgusts me. Not to mention, I was terrified of any allergic reactions to the drugs. I knew ahead of time that he was having many shots. In the end, I felt like I had no choice. Society and the medicinal advances of today makes me feel like I had to, like "it's the right thing to do" (even though I don't feel this way AT ALL). And of course, when they were administered, both he and Mommy cried....

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