Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thankful for my Blessings
Thanksgiving 2009 has come and gone, but let's go ahead and be thankful again today, shall we? 2009 has been such a difficult year for so many people. I took the time to count my blessings last week instead of my usual day-to-day complaints about life. This year, I am thankful for:
* My supportive, loving, committed stay-at-home Dad and husband, Mark
* My healthy, wonderful, sweet-natured, 7-month old baby boy, Alex
* My beloved 8 1/2 year old cat, Herby, who has terminal bone cancer and was given 2 months to live in August 2008, and he still has an excellent quality of life over one year later.
* My family from afar who come to visit me, often driving 13+ hours in a 2-day span
* My family who are nearby and support & love all 3 of us
* Health insurance and dental insurance
* My sole household income that somehow still pays the bills, reduces our debt, pays for Mark's school and dentistry work, and adds to our savings. (It boggles my mind that we can afford this. No, I still do not own a house. Yes, I still live in an apartment with rude neighbors. Yes, I still drive my 1997 Camry. No, I do not like my job. But this is why I still go to work every day...)
Thanksgiving Day started with a phone call to Mimi. We had not spoken in quite some time, and I was missing her dearly. Mark and I watched some of Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with Alex and drank hot chocolate (honoring a tradition of his family). Alex "got the sillies out" while watching Yo Gabba Gabba. I must admit that I now like the show. It's cute. We added Plex to Alex's Christmas wishlist. That evening, we enjoyed dinner & family time at Mark's parent's house. Uncle Scott seemed to enjoy playing with Alex a lot. I'm so happy to see him interacting with Alex. He wore his festive Thanksgiving bib for the occasion as seen in the pic above.
Black Friday started with me at Turkey Burn at the gym. Wow - ouch. A 2-hour class designed to burn off all the food you ate the day before. But for me, it's just another step in my battle to continue losing THIS BABY WEIGHT! Seriously, 8 lbs that won't budge... I lasted an hour in that class: 30 minutes of aerobics, followed by 30 minutes of cardio drills. I wanted to stay for Zumba and Abs, but I just couldn't do it. And those Biggest Loser contestants can run a 26-mile marathon? I am a wimp. In the afternoon on Black Friday, we had our Christmas pictures taken with Mark's family. Alex was very squirmy. I hope some of them turned out.
Nana and Pepaw (and HANNAH!) all came to visit us on Saturday. We took Hannah to the Candy store, and had dinner at the Olive Garden, followed by our traditional breakfast Sunday morning at Katherine's. What a quick trip. I miss my family already!
OK, now about Alex:
He has started enjoying juice from a sippy cup. We started using the sippy cup when he was about 6 months old, but I forgot to write about it. He is also sitting up for the most part - at 7 months old. He helped us put an ornament on the Christmas tree last weekend. We broke out the video camera and made a BIG deal when he placed the ornament on the tree. He likes to sit in his bamboo rocker when I cook. I will bring him into the kitchen, and I will sing: "Watching Mommy cook". ...Another one of my fine, made-up little diddys. He is going through a pinching phase, which I guess is a good thing according to my growth & development books. Pinching allows him to be able to hold utensils, sippy cups, and eventually pencils/crayons. Anyways, he pinches my cheeks, my hair, my neck, my boob, just about anything really. Sometimes it really hurts! He also seems to become scared when a lot of people are in the room at once. When we took him over to Mark's parent's house for Thanksgiving, he became scared with all the noise, chit-chat, & people in the room when we first arrived. And he did the same thing when my family arrived on Saturday.
Last, we must end on a sad note: We have officially retired the cradle swing to storage at Grandma & Grandpa's house. And we sent the family bassinet (that even my Dad slept in) back home to Indiana. We continue to retire items, and I just *sigh* as another door closes. But as they say, another door opens, and Alex opens up new doors each and every day.
Friday, November 13, 2009
6 1/2 Months Old
Where does the time go? I miss that sweet little baby who couldn't hold his head up yet. It used to be so easy to hold him and help him to sleep. And now, well he is just so long, that he goes to sleep on his own!
Alex officially sleeps on his tummy with his rear in the air. As noted by the picture above.
Let's see where to begin...
I would first like to mention something that I forgot to months ago, so I won't forget. Somehow we were able to wean Alex off of his pacifier when he was about 3 months old. When we first suspected that he was teething, he started spitting it out when it was offered to him. I think that Mark and I just assumed it hurt him to suck on his paci. So hooray for us! It still makes me cringe when I am out in public, and I see 2+ year old children with pacis in their mouths.
Lots of growing up to discuss:
Alex has been in Size 3 diapers since our visit to Indiana. The Size 3 weight listed on the package leads me to believe that we will be in this size for awhile, and for that, I am grateful because it's hard to keep moving up the diaper chain!
This baby is becoming a child. I look at him, and sometimes I no longer see that tiny baby boy we brought home from the hospital. I see a child who puts absolutely everything in his mouth, squeals with delight, stands upright in his exersaucer, and is on the verge of sitting up on his own (75% able) and crawling in the next few months (50% able -- we still have some time for that one thank goodness!)
Mommy has a slight obsession with the Wonder Pets on Nick Jr. It's a show about a hamster, duck, and turtle who save other animals by emphasizing the importance of teamwork. Quite a catchy little show, and I only wish I would have thought of the premise myself. I sing their 2 main songs each episode in my sleep, it seems: "What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!" and "Wonder Pets, Wonder Pets, we're on our way!" My favorite epsiodes are when they go on holiday to Mexico and save a crab, and the dinosaur episode, which I've only seen once and I'm hoping to see again soon. Yes, I like the show probably more than Alex does...
Toys and books:
I recently bought him a board book with stories from the Bible. The pictures are so cute! I heard Mark reading it to him 2 different times yesterday. When we were in Indiana, Mark bought him a musical toy guitar that he just loves, and Nana bought him a musical piano toy a few months ago as well. Alex has quite the toy musical collection. He also plays with his toy keys from the nurses at the hospital quite often, and he also likes Tony the Teething Blanket (though not as much anymore). His exersaucer seems to be quite a blast for him. That little stand up thing is an entertainment machine and a half!
We spent late Oct/early Nov pulling out socks & hoodies from his closet. As the weather has started turning colder, Alex does have a coat, but I need to find a hat to cover his ears, or at least a new coat with an attached hood. I've been to Babies R Us, Wal-Mart, and a Carter's store, and no one had anything that would fit a 6-9 month old baby! All sizes for their coats were 2T and up. had some yesterday, so I might just have to order it online. We've been fortunate that the weather has been mild lately, but I know it's coming!
A couple of really cute things that he has been doing lately: When we turn on a sink facuet, he reaches forward and wants to put his hands in the water. It's so cute! He also wants to turn the pages in his board books while we are reading stories (instead of wanting to put the book in his mouth). So I think he understands that you turn pages in books.
At his 6 month Wellness Baby visit, I didn't cry for the first time when Alex received his shots. Guess that means I am getting used to it? Although, she did not have any flu shots. I was a bit disappointed. We still need to decide if we will find a flu shot from a public place. Alex's doctor discussed baby proofing our apartment soon and also whether we had increased his solid foods intake. She also recommended taking an infant CPR class, which I have signed up for in December.
We had his 6 month pictures taken the day after Halloween. (He was a monkey, by the way...) We had the following pictures: our Christmas family photo, him sitting in a chair, a "Santa hand" reaching out to hand him an ornament, him in his Cleveland Cavaliers outfit, and a close-up headshot!
And now, I am taking him for another one of our many Fall walks in his stroller. This could be one of the last mild Fall days, so we're going to take advantage of it!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
One Year Ago Today...
...Alex and I were in a different place. We were about to travel to Indiana. Today... we are missing Alex's Great Papaw.
Yes, it has been one full year. I woke up last night 10/20 at 1:50 am because Alex woke up with tummy trouble. As I looked at the clock, I remembered the phone call I received around the same time, one year ago today. I heard the Daughtry song today that reminds me of him. My heart is sad, but I prayed and asked God how he is doing. I will see him again someday.
Last weekend, we traveled to Indiana to see my family. As I had a "business trip" on Friday, we decided to make the most of it, and Alex & Mark came with me. Thursday night was a nightmare. I slept maybe 4 hours off & on total. Alex slept in his pack & play; a foreign bed to him. And we made the mistake of giving him ready-made formula again. We have now learned that his little system cannot handle the ready-made formula very well.
I took care of my business on Friday. I'm hoping and praying this is the One. And we continued to Oaktown. We arrived around 4:30, and Mimi was happy to see us. Mom & Dad met us at Mimi's house where we had our traditional breaded tenderloins for dinner. Nana watched Baby Alex on Saturday night, so Mark and I could catch up on our sleep!
Saturday was a morning full of errands. I wanted to go to Charlie's for some chocolates and to a flower shop buy some flowers for Papaw's grave. Mark and I went to Vincennes, and then on our way to Mimi's for the evening, we stopped by Papaw's grave. It was raining, so I wasn't able to spend as much time there as I would have liked. We met at Mimi's, and I tried to contain my tears before we showed up, but it was too hard. Between all of the stress in my life & the significant anniversary of this trip, I was crying pretty hard. I guess that I needed to get it out.
We ate at McKinley's for dinner on Saturday night, and I noticed Alex watching my fork to my mouth at dinner. He's been doing that a lot lately, so it's definitely time for solid foods now! No doubt about it.
On Sunday, we stopped in Indy to visit Auntie D. She was very happy to see us. She had tears in her eyes when we arrived. I think she must have been amazed at how big Alex has gotten since the last time she saw him. Our trip was WAY too short as she had to go to work, but I am so happy that she was able to see him again!
The car ride home went 300% times better this time. We still had our struggles on the way down from Cleveland, but the trip back home was much better!
Next trip home - Christmas time! (AND I'M FINALLY GOING TO VISIT LUCAS OIL STADIUM!!!)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I'm a Big Boy Now
Oh my. Where does the time go? Alex is 5 1/2 months old. The end. No, I'm just kidding. Here are some of our most recent events:
Today, we went to a Fall Foliage Festival at Mapleside Farms in Brunswick. The above picture is Alex in his Big Boy Car Seat on our way to the festival. Alex's Great Mimi bought him a car seat that we desparately needed. He has outgrown his infant carrier, and everytime Mark and I would carry him around in it, we just about threw our backs out. Alex weighs approx. 16 lbs, and that carrier weighs about the same, so you can see why we were doing some heavy lifting. Thank you so much Mimi!!
Also, in the mail last week, Alex received more mail than I did. Ha ha! His Great Aunt Barb sent him a mini Peyton Manning jersey. Oh boy! He is so cute in that thing. I'm sure he'll be wearing it tomorrow night when they play the Titans. And Pepaw sent him a GIANT tractor for his collection! I noticed on the back of the box that he can also attach other tractor "helpers" in the future to harvest his pretend crops. :-)
OK, so about the festival: We brought the stroller along, and Alex took turns being in the stroller OR he would be held as we walked around, and we'd put our stuff in the stroller instead! We first bagged our apples from many different varieties, from which I will make Mark an apple pie. Then, during the rest of the afternoon, we bought BBQ apple butter ribs, apple cinnamon ice cream, & pumpkin ice cream to eat at the festival. We took home goodies too: caramel apple pops, an apple fritter, kettle corn, apple cider, and 2 apple cider donuts. Had our Fall pictures taken at a variety of places too!
Alex is going to be a monkey for his first Halloween. Last weekend, Grandma Candi and Grandpa Greg took us out for dinner, and we visited Babies R Us afterwards where they bought him a monkey costume. It's really cute!
During the week of 9/27, Alex slept in his crib for the very first time at 5 months old. He has been in there ever since. We finally broke away from his bassinet. I think it was equally hard for all of us to make this transition. I still peak on him every night as he's sleeping in his Big Boy Bed.
Also at 5 months old, he is eating rice cereal with apples at his dinner time meal & bottle. Hoping we can continue trying Stage 1 foods in the weeks to come. Mark and I let him lick the salt off of a pretzel sometime last week, which was quite funny. He first made a face, and then he LOVED it! Grandma Candi has since also given him a pretzel too.
I finally worked up the nerve to cut his toenails for the first time a few weeks ago. Believe it or not, they were finally long enough to actually cut. Why his little toenails wouldn't grow, I have no idea because his fingernails grow super fast. I've been cutting his fingernails every Sunday since he was about a month old. Also on Sundays, I boil his bottle nipples to keep them sanitized and looking good. Functional and polished, now that's what I'm talking about for my boy!
Last weekend, I went through another clothes clean-up. So sad! We retired most of his 3-6 month clothes, unless they were long-sleeved, and I pulled out all of his 6-month clothes for his dresser drawers. Each time I do this, it takes A LOT of time, and it's sad. My little man is getting big.
And teething, oh my goodness are we STILL teething! Alex has about 2 good days in a row followed by 2 bad days where he cries and cries, shoves his fist in his mouth, and drools. We've tried EVERYTHING! Cold teething rings, frozen washclothes, Tony the Teething Blanket, ugh. I finally asked the Pharmacist at Walgreens for advice, and she recommended Infant Motrin, saying that we need an NSAID. She also recommended Hylan teething tablets, a homeopathic remedy that's been around since 1930-something. We've used the Motrin many times, and I don't think it really helps. We finally tried the teething tablets yesterday, but I cannot really tell if they worked or not. I'm going to talk to his Dr. at his next appointment on 10/23. Until then, we just keep pressing on...
He's loving his car walker and exersaucer right now! In fact, I just might have to post a second picture of him in his exersaucer after I write this post. Yep, I'm going to just do that!
Alex is eating 7-8 oz per bottle about 4-5 times per day. We're going to do his 6 month pictures soon too!
Before I close this post, I want to remind myself of a couple special little memories that I have of him:
1) the little red stork bite on the back of his neck since the day he was born
2) the way he sticks his tongue out while he is sleeping and "pretends" he is eating a bottle
3) laying on the floor and looking at the world from his level and at those sweet little innocent eyes, nose, and mouth
Ah, I love my son more than life itself - is that even possible? Thank you God for Alex and my husband. They are the light of my life and how I make it through each difficult day at work!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
20 Weeks OId
Alex understands emotion:
One day last week, I felt incredibly sad. I was crying pretty hard and very upset. I held Alex, walked down the hall, and laid him down on my bed. As I cried, Alex stuck out his lower pout lip and stared at me. He would poke that little lip out, hold it there for a few seconds, and then pull it back in. He did this about 10 times in a row, all while I cried. I was amazed. He understood that his Mommy was upset. What a joy he is... the days are only going to get so much better with him! No personal struggle is too mountainous.
Alex has a new baby cousin:
She was born on 9/12. Another angel in the world to love. God is so good. I predicted that her birthday would be 9/12. I also predicted that she was a girl, so I went out and bought 3 Mega Millions tickets yesterday! Her birth caused me to look back over the past 4 1/2 months of Alex's life. I am so grateful to have spent the first 12 weeks on maternity leave because I was able to be with him all day long & watch him grow. And he grew so fast... After holding my niece last weekend, it was so hard to remember Alex being that little. He even weighed 5 oz less than she did, but his head was much bigger. No wonder I pushed for 2 hours!
Other Alex developments:
Alex was pretty grouchy last week. His eating habits and his sleeping habits have changed. It can be a struggle to give him a bottle. He squirms and seems distracted a lot. He looks around the room and moves around like crazy. He will usually sleep at least 6 hours at a time, but he now wakes up often and doesn't seem to sleep as soundly. We have been trying to get him to go back to sleep immediately, but sometimes if he becomes too awake, he gets hungry. Along with the crankiness come these non-stop grunts. He will just sit in his cradle swing and grunt. Mark said he sounds like Roscoe from the Dukes of Hazard. Ha ha!
The big news:
We started giving him rice cereal with apples over the weekend of 8/29-8/30 at 18 weeks old (for fun of course, as our pediatrician recommended). He wasn’t too sure about the taste, but he definitely understands being fed from a spoon. We also gave him bananas on 9/13 at 20 weeks old. I’m not sure yet what he likes & what he doesn’t like. He made a yuk face at first with the bananas. We video-taped the rice cereal feeding!
His belly laughing is hysterically funny. Mark can really get him laughing hard. And I love how he is discovering his voice. He says “Oh” A LOT! His squealing is quite impressive too.
Stories that he likes: Little Digger, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Green Eggs & Ham, and Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day (which is a childhood favorite of Daddy that Mommy had never heard of…)
He’s starting to outgrow his cradle swing (so sad…). Daddy had him in his car walker about 2 weeks ago, and he seems to really be checking out the toys. Even though he cannot push the walker yet, I hope it will be one of his favorites and that we can actually have some space soon for him to scoot around! (**side conversation with God here: "Please, please can we have some new space for Alex to scoot around in his car walker? I realize this is all part of your plan, but our neighbors are wearing on our patience." OK end of prayer and side rant now**)
I cannot believe how much hair Alex has lost lately. I guess that’s pretty normal, but when he was born with a full head of hair, I thought it would be impossible. I also continue to lose my hair post-partum. Wonder if we will both become bald Mommy & Baby!
I really enjoy Alex at this stage. He is so alert and curious. He has to constantly be moved around because he is exploring. He loves to hold his feet and put his fists together. He loves to be bounced around, and he loves when we play with him. We’re enjoying many walks in the stroller again too. And he seems to like football! He must definitely be OUR child!
I did finally miss one of his milestones, and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Apparently, he had been reaching at objects for weeks, but I finally saw it for myself over our anniversary weekend: 8/29-8/30.
He’s still eating about 6 oz every 4 hours about 4-5 times a day. My growth & development chart shows him right on track!
Friday, August 28, 2009
4 Months Old (...and still growing...)
On Saturday morning, I went for a long walk at the lake-to-lake trail in Middleburg/Berea area with Mom & Dad. That afternoon, we took them to Lake Erie and got some ice cream at the Honey Hut. Mom watched baby Alex on Saturday night while Mark and I went out! On Sunday, we had our traditional breakfast at Katherine's before Mom & Dad drove back home. All-in-all, it was a great weekend! I truly appreciate how my family has made a huge effort to visit us often at such a special time in my life!
On to more Alex developments: His 4 month old birthday was this past Wednesday, and he is officially in Size 2 diapers. (How sad...) He has found his feet and likes to grab them. He is rolling over like crazy now. In his bassinet, we use an infant positioner to keep him on his back, but I woke up this morning, and he had kicked it down to the bottom. Don't know how much longer we will be using that infant positioner!! And he likes the Noggin channel A LOT!
Mark and I celebrate our 1 year anniversary this coming Sunday. I have a surprise planned for Saturday afternoon, and Alex is staying with Grandma Candi and Grandpa Greg on Saturday night. We are having Alex's 4 month old pictures taken on Sunday, our actual anniversary. So, I will have more formal pictures for everyone soon.
He is almost 18 weeks old and eating 5 1/2 -6 oz. every 4 hours. We're officially entering the stage of only using the bigger 9 oz Born Free bottles. And yet another baby product retires to my storage...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We Might Be Teething
He discovered his fist this past week. When I take it out and offer him a paci instead, he spits it out and in goes the fist again. By today, he was a little drool monster. I've never seen him drool before, but the poor little guy was slobbering and his little outfit was soaked. So, Nana might be right -- we might be teething. A milestone that Mommy didn't want to reach just yet. He just keeps reaching them. Instead of being happy, I am sad to see them fly by. :-(
Which brings me to another one: He rolled over on 8/5 (at 14 1/2 weeks old)! On 8/5, I bought him a crib kicking toy since he loves to kick so much. But instead of loving the toy, he flops over onto his tummy about 4 times in a row. I get so excited and tell Mark: "Get the video camera!" And we captured his little milestone on tape. I was really happy about this milestone!
Alex was finally exposed to Yo Gabba Gabba. (Oh no!) I told Mark months ago that Alex would not be watching that show, but when Jack Black is running around with these characters, it's got to be good, right? I love Jack Black... Mark's friend Todd gave us a bunch of Baby Einstein videos. Alex started watching them yesterday. We have also added the Noggin channel to our favorites on the cable box. (And I said there would be no TV watching... I wanted toys, books, and learning with Mommy & Daddy.) But he just loves the colorful images. I guess that I will need to compromise and let him watch limited TV. We'll see how long that lasts until he learns how to cry to get his way with Mommy & Daddy.
Other toys/baby items we've been using lately: The Bumbo seat -- to teach him to sit up. He is doing really well in that little chair. What a great invention! And he finally enjoys Big Al, the alligator toy I bought for his car seat. He used to ignore it in favor of Mr. Ribbit, but now he focuses in on Big Al. Now he knows that Big Al jingles, and that's a good thing. We brought out the car walker a few weeks ago and the Exersaucer this past weekend, but he is still a little too small for either toy.
He's also babbling and laughing. I heard him laugh for the very first time when we were Indiana -- he laughed at Pepaw. And now, he won't stop. Grandma Candi made him laugh a bunch yesterday. And he always laughs at Daddy when he sings Head & Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. I've noticed that he has definitely started babbling more over the past 2-3 weeks as well.
He also loves to be bounced on your knee. He can hold his head up about 95% of the time now, so he can't stay in one place very long without wanting to be moved around. He had his first Wal-Mart experience a few weeks ago, and I carried him all over the store while he observed.
The joys of being a mother are so much more wonderful than I could have ever expected.
Upcoming events: We would like to schedule his 4 month old pictures at the end of the month, and his next doctor appointment is 8/21, which means another round of immunizations for both me & Alex to cry about!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mr. Mom, Mrs. Paycheck, & Mr. Smiley
Mark seems to be enjoying staying at home with Alex while I am at work. They have been having some great play time together. I think it's very important for Mark to leave the house at least every other day, so I'm going to continue to offer my support when I get home from work. Besides, all I want to do when I get home each day is play with Alex anyways...
Now, on to baby Alex: He has finally learned that there's more to life than eating, sleeping, and pooping! He is staying awake for longer stretches during the day and staying asleep for longer stretches at night. Mark has found the ultimate secret to nighttime sleep: wrapping him up in his swaddle me blanket! Our boy will sleep anywhere from 6-10 hours at a time when wrapped up in that blanket.
He's definitely making us laugh, and he's started to giggle himself a little bit. Mark said that he loves learning about his cute personality. He's definitely into music, he likes to listen to your voice when you read him a story, and he was actually watching an old episode of Full House on the TV the other day (no joke...)
Alex is a kicker! When he is awake, he kicks non-stop. He kicks when lying down & kicks when people hold him. The only time he is still as a mouse is when he's eating a bottle (and even then, he crosses his little hands in this "I'm being proper" position, and his feet dangle below). Also, we are amazed that he is already bearing a bit of weight on his legs. He likes to stand up (while supported of course) and look around at everything. Something tells me we'll be pulling out his Car Walker & Exersaucer soon. Oh my gosh -- my boy is growing toooooo fast!!!
Just this past week, he is starting to make noises: He said 'brrrr' the other day when staring at his musical star. When I say to him "talk", his mouth opens up, and he tries to make sounds. Sometimes with success, and sometimes not. But he is indeed trying!!
He also likes to stare at the pictures of himself on our walls. We tease him and say that he is being narcissistic, but really -- I think he likes the black & white frames that surround his picture.
Milestone alert: He is 13 1/2 weeks old, eating 5 oz every 3-4 hours, and he is about to roll over anyday now! Something tells me that will be my next post...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Indiana trip
We survived our first road trip -- and what an experience it was!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
10 Weeks Old & Toys!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Jinx of July 1st
I was so excited about July 1st being a great day for once in my life. Some people may not know this about me, but July 1st is my ever eternal jinx day of bad events. It seems that every year when this day comes along, something real bad happens to me. Seriously, it's been this way since I was 15.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Eyelashes and Immunizations
I am now the mom of a 2-month old baby boy, and wow has he changed so much since the day he was born! And it's only been 2 short months!